Refund policy


Items are thoroughly inspected prior to shipment. However, in the unlikely event that your item arrives damaged from the shipping process, make sure to contact us within 48 hours of receiving the item. The item can be returned at the cost of the buyer and we will replace your item for free. If you are not happy with your purchase, you may get a refund within 10 days of your purchase. Please e-mail us within the 10 day period about a refund. You will be charged a 20% restocking fee for any items returned to kingjewelz .Our staff will inspect the item for wear and tear or misuse. Once inspected, you will receive an email about your refund. We will not refund any items that have been worn or damaged. The product must be in unused/new condition in order for your refund to process. Shipping costs are not refunded.val from the seller. Sending items without approval can result in the item being lost. Please contact us at for approval and other questions regarding this section.


Return Address:

4074 Berkeley Mill Close,

Duluth GA 30096, United States

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary. If the item you are shipping values above $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service and/or purchasing shipping insurance. This will guarantee that the item reaches its location safely.